Crisis and Capitalist Globalization

by Albertina Lebron, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


Crisis and Capitalist GlobalizationNowadays, the concept of globalization has become very popular, as we live in a globalized society and feel the consequences of globalization. Some people believe that the process of globalization is a current one. However, this process has started long ago and thus contributed to the destruction of an average picture of the world. In order to realize the relationship between a crisis and capitalist globalization, let us focus our attention on social conditions that were common a few years ago. Well-developed countries were strengthening their position in the international arena, as they had a firm position in a trade market; they cooperated with economically developed countries and potential partners; they created working places in order to contribute to the development of different industries; they motivated people to work hard in order to contribute to personal welfare and to the development of the national economy. Developing countries tried to follow the technologies that were common in well-developed countries in order to follow their model of governance of the country and thus strengthen their position in the international arena. The countries of the third world were relying on the help of well-developed countries, as they could not provide themselves with all the necessities and any external help was beneficial. However, with the development of human civilization, with the development and further implementation of innovative technologies, and thus with the modernization of the current world everything turned upside down and the average model of the world disappeared for ever. It is difficult to find any connections and relations between the concepts and models that were once common and usual to us. The process of capitalist globalization contributed to the primary changes in the world. The majority of people seem to be satisfied with the consequences of capitalist globalization, as they brought new innovative technologies into real life: computerization, mobile phones, social networks that connect people all over the world, and so on and so forth. The technologies absorbed all people’s attention and they seem to be indifferent to social and economic problems that occur in the modern world or they do not realize the seriousness of the problems that occur today (what is even worse). The problem is that people did not notice the core of the problems from the very beginning and they missed the possibility to solve the problems at their initial stage. Nowadays, the consequences of the globalization have been constantly progressing, so people should be very active, as their passiveness will lead to nothing. “The reality of globalization may have entered public consciousness during the last decade but the concept is as old as capitalism itself – a continuing saga of shifting markets and melding cultures” (Ellwood, 2001, p. 11).The consequences of capitalist globalization are felt all over the world. The economic sphere is severely damaged as a result of capitalist globalization. Well-developed countries are consistently losing their position in the international arena, as they tend to help developing countries and poorly developed countries …

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