Essential components of effective performance management

by Otelia Barratt, April 2015

300 words

1 page


This article by Bill Coleman discusses how performance evaluation and pay actions receive skeptical views from both employees and employers of any given organization. They view this act as of low priority and; thus; they do not pay much attention to it, and look for ways to avoid it. The author farther mentions that employers analyze employees performance in terms of good, bad, best and poor, while employee rate themselves as being the best. Coleman (2006) explains this by saying no one could ever think of himself as being average. From these arguments, the author comes up with a question on how both employees and employers could find a way to improve on areas that appear unsatisfactory to the organization and need to be improved. One fundamental way that he mentions is having a clear understanding of the company’s policies, and goals. This will help in ensuring that both employees and the employers align their efforts to meet the company policies and goals (Coleman, 2006).Leading by example is another critical element in effective management. Employees tend to mimic what their bosses do most of the time. For example, if an employer sticks by the regulations of the company, the chances that the employees will follow this are extremely high. This will help in ensuring things are done in the required manner without having to use a lot of effort. Leading by development and criticism is also extremely vital in effective management. Many employees forget that what is necessary is to look for ways by which they could stop it from happening again. Through the integrating of these elements in the running of the organizations, conflicts and misunderstanding that would have arisen in the organizations will be avoided (Fraser, 2007). This will encourage the smooth running of the organization and ensure that goals of the company are met in the required manner and per schedule (Fraser, 2007).ReferencesColeman, B. (2006, March 24). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from, R. (2007, June). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from …

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