Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide?

by Martin Kamaka, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Recently the process of globalization has become a worldwide tendency. It has caused numerous changes in lifestyles of people and caused a necessity to do everything quicker. This is why some people tend to do several things at the same time, for example driving and speaking on their cell phones, or driving and writing messages or using other electronic devices.

Of course, in some cases of extreme urgency such behaviors are not possible to be avoided, but unfortunately, they frequently result into accidence with dreadful consequences.

According to the statistics, usage of cell phones during driving causes more than 2,500 deaths annually in the United States of America only, while more than 300,000 people become injured.

There can be no doubts that such circumstances are caused by distraction and paying more attention to the device than to the traffic. Moreover, talking on the phone makes the reaction f the drivers lower, especially in terms of reaction to the lights of the brakes and following distance. What is the most dangerous is that drivers need more time to regain the speed and this does not only cause dangerous conditions, but also frustrates other drivers.

Taking into account amount of people who speak on the cell phone while driving, it becomes obvious that accidents are inevitable until such attitude is demonstrated. However, the situation is even worse with younger drivers because they show performance deficits. They make a lot of errors while driving and because of this it takes them more time to react to the changes quickly. And, as it is known, on the road every second might be saving.

Since usage of the cell phones to talk and text are such a serious problem, a range of studies were conducted to reveal that the automate voice systems which contain telephone numbers are rarely used by the drivers, although the systems are beneficial in comparison with viewing the same information on a display.

The research also indicates that answering a call is more dangerous when the drivers merge to leave a freeway. The research also finds out that usage of the Internet while driving, checking e-mail is even more distracting.

Unfortunately, these issues are taken into account by few drivers, while the rest demonstrates lack of care towards persona life and health, as well as lives and health of other people. Such approach is unacceptable because it many cases it has already cost lives.

Even taking into account these facts, in some states it is legal to speak on the cell phone while driving. Moreover, it is legally mentioned that drivers can speak on the phone. Here a question arises – how can it be that the law allows something which is very likely to cause injuries and deaths?

Of course, every person has the right to act in a way which they want, but at the same time it is necessary to remember that lots of people might be affected by such behavior and for many it might have dramatic consequences.

Some states have already accepted laws which …

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