Visit a Correctional Facility and Interview a Correctional Administrator

by Traci Ulibarri, May 2015

900 words

3 pages


We all know that correctional facilities are penal institutions where juvenile offenders are kept and which are maintained by the government. We are highly interested in the elements of effective correctional management, paying attention to North Central Correctional Facility in Iowa and its Correctional Administrator.

First of all, from the interview we get to know that it is one of three smallest correctional facilities in America. Although being established in 1878, it currently enlists only 107 workers and can accept 494 inmates. Basically, when entering the facility, the majority of prisoners seem to be low risk offenders that are involved in felonies and misdemeanors. The main point of this correctional facility is that it totally focuses upon the number of government-funded correctional and training programs aimed at improving the behavior of imprisoned people.

Individual accountability, reliability and responsibility are prioritized over the other aspects of such programs. Most training programs are foreseen through local contracts with community colleges, containing special education for eligible individuals. Additionally, Learning Resource Center at this facility is established as self-study academic curriculum that combines more than 120 academic, social and pre-vocation skills areas. This means that the problems of prisoners are seriously addressed and they are given the opportunity to be taught personally and in diverse social groups, which provides a flexible shift from theory to practice.

We also have noticed that many self-help organizations within the facility consist of Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous and Jaycees. One more significant point we have noticed was the attempts of local authorities to vary work opportunities for inmates. It means that all inmates are assigned the jobs where they can effectively apply their current skills. Through continuous contribution to welfare of local communities, the interactive learning and practice is created. For example, inmates can be offered some janitorial work, care of the yards, maintenance of the ground, and care of the gardens, producing more than thirty thousand pounds of vegetables every year.

We noticed that such activities distract inmates from stresses and do not drive them into despair, which effectively contributes to their moral development, significantly reducing the number of suicide attempts. However, we noticed several concerns: inmates were encouraged working long hours with flexible working schedule, which was rather strange and supervision was enhanced in secure trainings, which might be rather psychologically challenging for inmates.

According to James McKinney, the Correctional Administrator, North Central Correctional Facility is seen to prioritize three unique social issues: basic living skills, managing money and addictive thinking. Affected individuals receive a chance to learn how to look for a job, be good decision-makers and use alternative ways to their previous lifestyles. Financial responsibility is taught to help them budget their expenses. Finally, inmates have the opportunity to change their addictive behaviors by means of learning consequences and cause and effect relationships. McKinney also believes that correctional works at this facility can build individual leadership skills.

Additionally, it aids inmates to seriously revise their lifestyles in terms of personal issues and desires to recognition through violence. There the full …

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