The Scientific Method and Central Nervous System

by Armanda Brien, April 2015

300 words

1 page


Originally, the word “theory” is related to the Greek verb “theorein”, meaning “to view”, “to observe”. Thus, the etymological background of the word allows us to define the concept as “observation”. But modern definition is narrowed to the meaning to “scientific knowledge” as being opposed to religious of artistic assumption (Zima, 2007).

Hypothesis, in its turn, appears to be a tentative statement, regulating the relationship of the variables of the research. Actually, hypothesis predicts what is to happen in the study.

Naturalistic Observation is the method of research, which is aimed at observing organisms in its natural environment. The observer does not interfere with this environment and only takes notes or makes records.

A Case Study is an in-depth investigation of either a person, or a group, or an event or a community. The method came from clinical medicine, where it is used as a variable of idiographic method. Materials, used in a case study are: interviews, diaries, observations, official documents, reports, etc.

Survey is defined as a data collection instrument for gathering information about individuals. It can be a part of a case study- one of the variety of its instruments.

Correlational research is referred to the group of quantitative research methods and presupposes seeking of covariation or relationship between at least two variables out of same group of subjects. It gives the correlation statistics to prove the positive relation of the variables (i.e. whether one variable influences another and in what way).

Experimental Research Method deals with manipulating with the independent variable in a controlled situation. The environment allows to take precise measurements. Psychological experiments are not used to prove or discover any cause-effect relationships, but for testing hypothesis, for evidencing the accuracy of the beliefs of the researcher.

Frontal lobes are the regions of cerebral cortex. They are involved in decision-making, planning, problem-solving, and movement.

Temporal lobes are the structures of the limbic system (olfactory cortex, amygdala, hippocampus), responsible for sensory input organization, language and speech production, auditory perception, and memory formation.

Occipital lobes – the main centres of visual processing.

Parietal lobes are engaged in the body position interpretation in relation to the other objects in the surrounding.

In Phineas Gage case the anterior left lobe, the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures, longitudinal sinus, parietal and frontal bones were injured. Shortly after the recovery, the doctors noticed that the patient fully “possesses his reason”. But the man could not take his position again, as he became irreverent, indulging in the grossest profanity sometimes, impatient of restraint of advice when it came in contradiction with his desired; obstinent and capricious. Thus, his close people reported that that was no longer Gage (Ratiu & Talos, 2004).


Zima, P.V. (2007). What is theory? London: Continuum International Publishing Group.

Ratiu P. & Talos I. F. (2004). The tale of Phineas Gage, digitally remastered. N. Engl. J. Med. 351: e21-e21.



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