The New Age Philosophy

by Otelia Barratt, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


It is not a secret that New Age movement heralded a new stage and even the whole period in the development of philosophy, which occurred in the Western Europe during the second half of the 20th century. The New Age worldview is largely based on various mystical tendencies and movements, mainly the esoteric, syncretic and occult ones (Pike 32). The beginning of this era refers to the present or the immediate future (the twentieth and twenty second centuries). The supporters of New Age philosophy assume that contemporaneity will be replaced by the much more advanced culture, marked by a grand epochal leap in the spiritual and mental development of mankind (Pike 53). New Age movement is not represented by any particular spiritual teachings or religious beliefs (sect, community, tradition, and school); it includes a variety of different spiritually minded occult, esoteric and metaphysical teachings, practices and concepts.

Some modern scholars emphasize that New Age philosophy is mainly oriented to occultism, astrology, and numerology, which are commonly regarded as pseudo-sciences (Pike 42). It is difficult to refute such a fair argument. Nonetheless, most people adherent to New Age philosophy argue that currently people distance themselves from the nature, and consequently, from their roots (Pike 63). Consumerist attitude towards nature and natural resources results in the fact that the global ecological situation leaves much to be desired. Thus, the critics of anthropocentrism rightly note that it is high time to direct all human efforts to unify with nature. And this call to action is really pertinent.

Furthermore, it is expedient to emphasize that presently there are too much military and political conflicts that occur exactly on the religious ground. Suffice it to mention numerous terrorist attacks that pose great danger to all humanity. Therefore, in New Age pantheism there is an argument that “God” is best understood in connection with the universe (Pike 78). Pantheists do not believe in a personal, anthropomorphic God or God the creator. The assumption and belief in the fact that the universe is as a comprehensive unity and sanctity of nature have a right to exist. Most participants of New Age movement deny anthropocentrism, recognizing the fundamental unity of all life and the need to protect the nature, which deserves praise. Moreover, pantheists insist on instilment of environmental awareness in society and covering the most poignant environmental issues in media.

Indeed, very few of us ever tried to analyze how suppressing and sometimes unbearable the rhythm of our everyday life can be. There is no time to think about such seeming trifles as ecological problems. Currently, it is almost impossible to surprise anybody with such prosaic truth of human existence. People take nature for granted. Our consumerist attitude results in mass deforestation, global warming, and air and water pollution. And this ill-fated list can be prolonged. We take, take and take, but we do not want to think about the possible disastrous consequences of our egocentrism and shallow-mindedness. Nevertheless, there is something …

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