Capstone Project

by Ezekiel Heikkinen, June 2014

300 words

1 page



Instructional problems are experienced everywhere in the society be it in school, at home or even at work. Instances are witnessed whereby communication is not made effective due to poor instructional methods. For instance a parent may require their child to do something but unfortunately lack the proper way of instructing the child to do whatever it is that they are intended to do. The file of family and community services is faced by this issue of instructional and it is important that this is solved immediately.

Family and community services entail interaction between and among members of the homestead as well as those in the society. This being the case, the said interaction is faced with setbacks which hinder proper communication and understanding of each other both at home and in the society (Adams & Christenson 2000). Individuals do not know how to keenly capture what is expected of them as people of a certain homestead and society. This in turn brings about misunderstandings and conflicts all over leading to deterioration of peace.

In order to solve such an issue, individuals should be educated on the importance of effective communication which involves listening and paying attention (Arum 2000). This later leads to one following the instructions given and thus doing according to what is required of them. The issue of poor communication would thus be averted as individuals would have knowledge of the importance of effective communication skills (Atkinson et al. 2000). Instructional problems for that matter would not be experienced anymore.


The above information provides a way of dealing with instructional problems both at home and in the society. This is to promote effective communication and understanding of each other with an aim of achieving a harmonious society in general.


Adams, K. &. (2000). Trust and the family-school nrelationship: Examination of parent -teacher differences in elemntary and secondary grades. Journal of School of Psychology , 477-497.

Arum, R. (2000). Schools and communities: Ecological and institutional dimensions . Annual review of Sociology , 395-418 .

Atkinson, R. D. (2000). Learning from examples: Instructional principles from the worked examples research. Review of Educational …

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