The Importance of Alcohol Laws

by Mariana Galipeau, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


The problem of alcoholism has become very popular in the majority of countries all over the world. People of a different social status, of a different age category, and of a different nationality start using alcohol on different purposes. In order to decrease the percentage of people who use alcohol and thus avoid the problems, which are closely connected with alcoholism, a number of alcohol laws were created. The thesis statement: Alcohol should not be a person’s style of life, while it is a slow type of suicide. People should take only something good from alcohol, but in any case they should not be conquered by it. Adams, Criag. “Reviewing Alcohol Laws.” The author of the article emphasizes that it is vitally important for parents to attend different programs that tell about alcohol problems, while parents have a great impact on the formation of their children. It is believed that parents can reduce the risk of using alcohol. The author said that a fine for alcohol use is a good measure that would prevent youth from alcohol use. “They included requiring an alcohol and drug use assessment and completion of all treatment recommendations, requiring parents of youths to attend an education program, and increasing the minimum fine from $500 to $1,000.”1 The author emphasized that special measures should be taken towards adults who violate the laws more than once during a short period of time. People who drive a car being drunk should be deprived of a driving license immediately. However, the law should not be applied for people who drive a vehicle. Baladerian, T., eds., “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Victimization: Implications for Families, Educators, Social Services, Law Enforcement, and the Judicial System.” The authors of the article admit that there are people who can be easily influenced and thus can become victims of somebody’s negative influence. This category of people is known as people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. These people are characterized as individuals who are deprived of the possibility to differentiate between negative and positive influence; they lack cognitive skills; they lack the ability to analyze things, and so on and so forth. The authors of the article emphasize that the representatives of the Government should create different laws that would make such people feel safe. “Law enforcement and the judicial system also should develop systems to protect the rights of individuals with FASD who are victimized.” 2 In addition, people who would make people with this disorder drink alcohol will be severely punished. Beccaria, Franca. “The Italian Debate on Alcohol Advertising Regulation.” The author of the article stated that advertizing is one of the popular means of pushing people to start drinking alcohol, while it glamorizes and popularizes it very much. In the majority of European countries the advertizing is regulated in different ways and, as a result, the percentage of an alcohol advertisement is reduced. “In European countries the advertising of alcoholic beverages is regulated by two channels: the law …

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