The Dew Breaker

by Jule Sipes, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Slide 1. The title and author’s name go here first attended by the following text:

[The Dew Breaker is an elaborate novel by Edwidge Danticat, a Haitian by origin living in the USA now. Edwidge Danticat’s most works deal with the hardships of her native country and its people since the mid 1960s. The novel discloses various themes vital for the Haitians’ recent past and present life. In The Dew Breaker Edwidge Danticat tries to depict the horrors of the Duvaliers’ regimes and their long-lasting impact on their victims. She introduces historical, cultural and social components, with the help of which the reader has a bird-eye-view of Haiti and its people and sees them from different angles not only through hardships.]

Slide 2. Historical background and the following text:

[The action in The Dew Breaker is associated mostly with the period of Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Dog) reign since 1971 to 1986. He took control of the country after his father’s death and continued his legacy of political tyranny and economic exploitation until 1986 (SparkNotes Editors). In 1971 Baby Dog renamed Tonton Macoutes, created by his Father in 1959, into the Milice de Voluntaires de la Sécurité Nationale —MVSN (Volunteers for National Security). It was a ruthless secret police that terrorized the nation, arresting or killing the government’s critics (Aponte).]

Slide3. Attended by the following text:

[Edwidge Danticat’s novels are rather realistic and “The Dew Breaker” is no exception. The novel is based on the valid historical facts without exaggeration or litotes. The like can be found in the chapters “The Dew Breaker” and “Monkey Tails.”]

Slide 4. The quotation “He had joined the Miliciens, the Volunteers for National Security, at nineteen, after his mother left. It began when the Volunteers came to his town bussing people to a presidential rally in the capital. They needed bodies to listen to one of the president’s Flag Day speeches” attended by the following text:

[Let us take the section 1 of the chapter “The Dew Breaker”. Here the author mentions the time when Jean-Claude Duvalier took over Haiti. This event as if marks the beginning of the main character, that is Ka’s father, transformation into a Tonton Macoutes member.]

Slide 5. The quotation “The presidential couple’s reign had ended, his having lasted fifteen years and hers the span of their six-year marriage. Their departure, however, orphaned a large number of loyal militiamen, who had guarded the couple’s command with all types of vicious acts. Now the population was going after those militiamen, those macoutes, with the determination of an army in the middle of its biggest battle to date” attended by the following text:

[ Or the historical background of the chapter “Monkey Tails” where the main story line is tightly connected with and much depends on the historical events which took place in the real life, that is the deposition of Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Dog), his escape to France, celebration of freedom, slaying of the macoutes. Sometimes it even seems that you do not read the fiction …

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