Hinduism originated in India about 2000 B.C. (Sen 13). There is no person who founded the religion but research suggests that it evolved for thousands of years. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions that exist (Sen 15). The Hindu scriptures have passed through centuries of editing, and it has a miscellaneous structure of belief. Hinduism recognizes no faith, and it has no doctrines. Hinduism is a pagan system of worshiping because it glorifies and praises human heroes as goddesses and gods. Hindus worship human heroes with offerings and prayers. The Hindu god is Brahman, who is a supreme being that exists as a spirit, and symbolizes creative energy (Sen 23). There are also other gods like Vishnu who symbolizes control and stability, and Shiver who symbolizes destruction. A number of Hindus worship the incarnation of Vishnu, which are Rama and Krishna. Hindus also believe in evil spirits, astrology and curses (Sen 35). If God is the Supreme Being then he must be greater than human beings. Hindus value their children just like God values his creation, which are the human beings. However, Hindus reduce the identity or the value of God to those of human beings. They represent God with idols like human heroes and animals (Sen 56). All these deities are false because God cannot be compared to a human being under any circumstance. These deities are unacceptable. Hindus also recognize diverse forms of pantheism and deny the creation principle of Christians. Hindus believe that only Brahman exists, and everything is a delusion. According to Hindus, there is no conclusion or start to creation; there are only continuous cycles of destructions and creations. Hindus do not value history because it is a mere illusion (Sen 58). God was responsible for creation of the universe, but Hindus must not affirm that God is the creation. The Christians believe that, in the beginning, God created what was not him. Hindus must not confuse the creation of God with God himself. This is because God created and completed the universe at a distinct time (Sen 67). Hindus consider Man or eternal soul as a sign of Brahman that is inexplicably spellbound in the corporal body. People’s current life depends on the karma laws, which could be thoughts, words or actions in the preceding lifetimes. Hindus also consider the physical body to be a delusion, and it has little value. The body cremates and the eternal soul enters an intermediary state of penalty or reward before entering another body (Sen 74). The body experiences rebirth until when karma escapes to give room for the soul to reabsorb Brahman. Hindus have got it all wrong because God created all humans in his image. Since human beings die once in a lifetime, there can be no likelihood of rebirth. According to Christians, people’s eternal fate depends on whether they accept or reject Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Hindus also do not have any principle …
Response Paper on Hinduism
600 words
2 pages
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