Confucius Bk 14 Ch 33

by Ophelia Klaus, June 2014

300 words

1 page



Confucius argues that a noble man is kind enough to take everyone as fair people, but is wise enough to see, when they are not so. He does not claim everyone is lying, which makes him honour, but he catches the lies told.


Confucius once said: The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. The same works with being deceived. A worthy man does not fear of it, however, in case that occurs, he well be preserved.

Confucius argued that what the superior man seeks is in himself, the small man seeks is in others. Thus, a worthy man does not seek deception in others. His awareness, however, if the possibility of it makes him even more worthy.


Confucius’ argument seems very much proper. A worthy man definitely won’t cowardly expect everyone around him to be deceivers. But he will have the courage to face the deception, in case it happens. By that, he protects himself from fears and ensures he would be able to face the challenges and protect himself, his State and the people. Being worthy takes every virtue Confucius so much admired: kindness, courage, devotion, courtesy, and duty.


The Master said, 'He who does not anticipate attempts to deceive him, nor think beforehand of his not being believed, and yet apprehends these things readily (when they occur);-- is he not a man of superior …

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