Religious Service

by Susanne Ryman, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


I have visited a lot of Muslim countries and visited a great deal of mosques recently. I evidenced a lot of religious services in mosques. Thus, I attended a Friday religious service in Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The word “Islam” has the same root as the word “peace” in the Arabian language. The Allah has granted this religion in order to show a way of truth, peace and prosperity to people. The bases of Islamic morals are mercy, generosity, self-sacrifice, loyalty to people, forgiveness and justice. In the Sacred Koran the Allah enjoined Muslims to treat people with kindness and justice. They are responsible for the morals in front of people professing the other religious principles and should work both for personal and their good.

The prayer in Islam occupies a very high position as it is the basis of Islam. Islam is a head to everything; a prayer is its support. The Muslim prayers should be made five times a day (before sunrise, at noon, in the second half of a day, after a sunset and at night). On Fridays each adult Muslim should visit the sermon in mosques.

The prayer is the first kind of worship which has been made a duty by the Almighty Allah. The compulsion of a prayer was openly directed to the Prophet when he was praised to the Heavens. Besides, the prayer is a sign of belief. The Allah had legalized a prayer and it became the means of a spiritual eminence (Miraj) of the believer to the Lord. Owning to it the Muslims could pray for Him, address to Him in his entreaties and have secret conversations with Him. The prayer serves as the means of sins and offences expiation. The prophet said that five (daily) prayers and participation in a Friday prayer serves as the expiation of sins made between these prayers.

Mosque is an integral part of a Muslim community and a symbol of the Islamic countries. Mosque is the place where a Muslim community collectively makes ibada. Mosques are considered to be the home of the Allah. Before entering the mosque, I had to make the greater and the lesser ablution in clean and appropriate clothes.

Al-dzhuma is a sacred day of the Muslims. Therefore, the Muslims should go to mosque in a high mood. This namaz is read on Friday during az-zukhr namaz and replaces it this day. Al-dzhuma namaz is obligatory for all mentally normal adult Muslims; in addition, there are other 6 indispensable conditions:

- a man;

- free from slavery;

- not on the way;

- healthy;

- not blind;

- having healthy feet.

The reasons, justifying the absence of a person on Friday namaz, include a heavy rain, dirt, fear, illness, need for a care for a sick person, etc. It is necessary to make a greater ablution shortly before a mosque visit. Thus, it is desirable to shave a body hair, to cut nails and moustaches, to use aromas and to put on the best clothes.

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