Philosophy of Religion Paper

by Ossie Heimann, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Philosophy of Christianity

I am deeply convinced that Christianity is the true religion that should be practised by every thinking person. There are several arguments supporting my point of view. First of all, the Bible censures the shedding of innocent blood, which means that the Christian attitude towards abortion and killing innocent people is extremely negative. The issue of abortion seems very important to me because it puts under question the possibility of survival of the human race. That is why only Christian understanding of the fact that abortion is a sin can help us to acknowledge its corrupt essence. This is what the Bible says about killing innocent people:

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man” (Genesis 9:6).

“You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13)

“Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person” (Deuteronomy 27:25a).

Secondly, only in the Christian religion, God reaches out to people, whereas other religions are human attempts to reach up to Him. This aspect really matters since it proves that God loves and is ready to support everyone, even those who do not believe in Him and are disobedient to Him. It is explained by the all-consuming love of our Father who does care about every human being – His consummate creation. God’s love manifests itself through the fact that the Holy Spirit dwells in human souls and is promised to people as a Christian inherent privilege. One more argument proving that God reaches to people is that He sent His son to us who obeyed to His Father’s will and died for people’s sin. Moreover, His Son was a human, like we are, but still the God’s essence dwelled in Him, which means that every human being can acquire the godlike essence. Exactly this possibility endows people with inner strength and faith and helps to overcome petty earthly problems.

Furthermore, Christianity teaches us obedience and all-forgiveness. Although many people may argue that human obedience to God resembles slaves’ obedience to their master, there is a big difference between these two types of obedience. The point is that God is our all-loving and all-forgiving Father who will never hurt us or point out a wrong path, whereas slaves’ masters did not care about slaves’ well-being but simply wanted to use the latter for their [masters’] own sake. God does not use us a means of achieving any goal but rather places Himself at our disposal for our salvation and future life.

Obedience is good for people since it teaches us not to be self-indulgent and earthly but think about the future. Why should we think only about how to satisfy our carnal needs today if tomorrow another life waits for us, life with completely other virtues? Ten Commandments are at our disposal and, by fulfilling them, we become better and closer to our Father. Therefore, we should be grateful to God for granting to us a possibility of self-improvement and preparation …

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