Reflective Assessment: Learning Styles

by Martin Kamaka, July 2015

600 words

2 pages


While, in college, I learnt different methods that students acquire knowledge. These methods are usually educative especially for individuals who want to get the best from learning. A number of people have preferences for learning methods that are interactive and easily identifiable (Kinsella 2007). It is usually commendable for tutors to understand the most appropriate learning methods that are able to suit their students. There are numerous styles of assessment that have been adopted in early 1880s, however; I will discuss the Learning Style Inventory, LSI (Kinsella 2007). The LSI relates to Kolb’s model and teacher use it when they want to determine the learning styles of students (Smith 2009). This method involves assessment of the needs and preferences of students about the process of learning. This method performs the following functions: It gives the student the chance to identify the method of learning that they feel comfortable (Smith 2009). The results are presented in a computer; therefore, this indicates the entire student’s preferences. It gives teachers a glimpse of the foundations that they can begin their lessons. It gives strategies that teachers can accommodate the styles of learning for students. It summarizes the preferred learning styles for students; therefore, students can be arranged in learning groups (Smith 2009). Other learning methods include questionnaires and they are used to indicate styles of learning. These methods include Jackson’s learning styles (LSP) and Fleming's VARK Learning Style Test. I question the scientific basis in which these learning theories have been developed. This is because humans managed to evolve to create an image of the universe by their senses, which function in unison and explore the brain connectivity. A number of psychologists in education understand that there is limited evidence for the efficiency of the adopted learning methods. These learning models often depend on uncertain theories (Brodie & Irving 2007).There is a failure in establishing that students assessments for styles of learning to be effective. These methods often restrict the learners to certain methods of learning and do not give room freethinking. The evidence for styles of learning is highly variable, and practitioners are often not sincere about their preferences and work evidence (Brodie & Irving 2007). Students are always grouped according to the categories of learning that best suit them, example, verbal or visual learners. These students from each group are often assigned their groups of learning (Minott 2009). This helps in matching the students according to their fitting groups. After the experiments or lessons, students are obliged to do the same exam. If this is true, then it means that the student in the visual category of learners will have an advantage compared to students in the auditory group. This is not right because the student in groups of auditory should be the ones with the better advantage of learning (Minott 2009).Lessons that apply this method of learning are not always applicable in the literature styles of learning. Additionally, limited students with research design will discover that some learning …

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