Narrative research summary

by Precious Logue, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


As a health care provider, I have been well trained and informed of the latest techniques available to assist me in making the best decisions while working with my patients. It is the responsibility of all health care professionals to ensure adequate identification, treatment and anticipation of any unpredicted injury or illness that my result from infections.

Although nurses like me may possess knowledge from modern guidelines to provide advanced professional patient care, there is no guarantee that the information provided by the guidelines will be implemented into practice on a daily basis addressing needs of every patient. However, it is even worse when nurses do not possess enough knowledge.

The lack of knowledge can be caused by inadequate training or education. The impact that nurses make on a daily basis can affect the way patients recover, how their health changes after their medical procedures and length of the period of stay in the health care setting.

Nursing is a profession which requires maintaining and addressing education and skill assets to insure that the best care is provided. The purpose of this narrative paper is to analyze the relationship between guideline practices and nursing practices in the health care field. Nurses’ activity is very important when it comes to initiatives that are implemented to minimize or prevent the possibility of pressure ulcers which occur in their patients.

I reviewed and analyzed a number of studies that tested the knowledge of health care provider, taking into account health care guidelines; these emphasized importance of providing healthcare care practices to patients and decreasing the risk of pressure ulcers. These quantitative and qualitative studies involved usage of survey instruments to measure experiences, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes.

The research study conducted by Wipke-Tevis (2004) measures pressure quality indicator scores, provides self reported skin integrity assessment, pressure ulcers risk assessment, pressure prevention and treatments practices. The study is important as according to it, pressure ulcers represent a prevalent health care problem in long-term care facilities.

Recognition of the fact that nurses play a significant role in the process of health care control is emphasized in this particular study. Wipke-Tevis states that the most facilities use facility-based preventions and treatments protocols. Facility-developed protocols may not integrate evidence-based standards and therefore it remains unclear whether long-term residents receive health care of high quality.

Implementation of evidence-based protocol that emphasizes pressure ulcer prevention through the usage of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools, repositioning schedules, pressure reduction mattress, nutrition supplements, positioning devices, minimizing head of bed elevation less than 30 degrees can significantly reduce pressure ulcers incidence. It is a key asset to emphasize an individual's knowledge capacity for the greatest professional health care. Application of these tools must be implemented into practice on a daily basis (Wipke-Tevis, 2004).

A study conducted by Brienza (2010) is presented in the article "A Randomized clinical trial on preventing pressure ulcer with wheelchair". It identifies a variety of wheelchair seating inadequacies that contribute to pressure ulcer development. The scope of this problem in nursing homes is quantified in …

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