
by Lissa Kimble, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Cognitive StageAge RangeMajor Characteristics

SensorimotorBirth- 2 yearsDevelopment of object permanence, development of motor skills, little/no capacity for symbolic representation.

Preoperational2- 7 yearsDevelopment of language, development of internal representational system, development of symbolic thinking, egocentric thinking.

Concrete operational mastery7-12 years Development of conservation, of reversibility, of concept, loss of egocentrism.

Formal operational 12 years - adulthoodDevelopment of logical and abstract thinking.

The correct answer is B. Object permanence is the awareness that objects and people continue to exist, even if they are out of sight.

The answer is C, during the sensorimotor stage motor skills are developed; however, there is little or no capacity for symbolic representation.

The right answer is A, egocentric thought is the term for when children view the

world from their own perspective.

The answer is A, principle of conservation is the knowledge that quantity is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objects.

The correct answer is C, metacognition involves the planning, monitoring, and revising of cognitive strategies.


Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1958). The growth of logical thinking from childhood to

adolescence (A. Parsons & S. Seagrin, Trans.). New York: Basic …

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