The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution / China

by Martin Kamaka, June 2014

300 words

1 page


The Cultural Revolution refers to the years between 1966 and 1976.This is the time when Mao Zedong, one of the leaders of (PRC) Peoples Republic of China, struggled and fought for the republic of China in order to get a free and staple Soviet-style bureaucracy. This only functioned well when he ordered the schools to be closed and students to join the Red Guard activities. Other than this decade act, a story is told of a man and his family.

It is said that a man with six children, wife and his real parents lived in one of the villages in the year 1944. It is believed that the rate of illiteracy was high in the region and no one went to school. Most of the basic needs were given by the Red Cross societies. One day, the man work up early morning and went to the bus bay to wait for the normal food, which was offered. The previous night, the members of the family had slept without any food. As they waited, they shared ideas with friends who were within the same bus bay.

Within no time, the Red Cross bus arrived and people were told to queue. They all queued and every individual was given a chance to pick only 200kgs of any commodity that he or she needed. Because the man had a big family, he saw ten sacks that were all full and lighter to carry. Due to his high level of illiteracy he decided to carry all of them. As he ferried them home, he knew very well that his family members were to enjoy the precious food for a longer time. Other people, on the other hand, carried a sack full of maize or beans, but for the man, he decided to carry many sacks due to the large number of family members.

On opening the sacks the man realized that he had carried sacks full of cotton wool. This left the family members for the next two months without food. This incident made some to die and others became beggars. The man later learnt that what he thought was light could not help her in any way.


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“Selection bias, comparative advantage and Heterogenous Returns to Education: Evidence from China in 2000,” Pacific Economic Review v9, n3 (Special Issue October 2004): New York, NY: Black …

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