My Personal Code of Ethics

by Shaquana Strahl, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Personal code of ethics refers to the rules and principles that are set by an individual in order to facilitate good performance in his/her career. Codes of ethics at personal level are linked to two specific contexts. The first context is whereby an individual sets rules and principles to govern his/her operation alongside colleagues (Howard & Korver 254). This type of code of ethics is the code of conduct. The other code of ethics is set by an individual to guide and enable him/her perform his/her duty effectively.

An individual is required to set rules and principles that govern his/her operation at work depending on two things; the working environment and the type of work an individual performs. Individual codes of ethics make individuals perform their duties in an orderly way and have to be responsibly adhered to (Masters, & Wallace, 278). In most cases, codes of ethics that individual set are instilled in them during their upbringing, education and career training.

The social code of ethics at personal level refers to the rules and principles that an individual should apply in order to be at peace and good working terms with other career members (Reamer, 174). These rules and principles include:

Respect other people's property; respecting other people's property means not tampering with other people's items. In this case, property might be individual's working instruments, tools or personal possessions such as cars, or motorcycles. Tampering with other people's property might lead to property destruction which eventually leads to quarreling. Quarreling might cause one to lose his/her career.

Respect other employees; respect is a vital thing in a working environment. This means one is not supposed to interfere with others’ professional or personal affairs. This would probably reduce conflict of interests with other employees (Watson & British Association of Social Workers 195).

Treating other career members with civility; this implies that an individual treats others fairly with no differences arising in that no unprofessional conduct is portrayed at the workplace.

Offering services to clients fairly without any favor or disfavor; Based on the fact that an individual in a career is supposed to offers specific services to different clients, this should be done fairly. Performing duties responsibly means not favoring any client no matter what relationship the two have (Howard & Korver 254).

Abiding by the codes of ethics set by the organization; In most cases, every individual would have his/her set principles at work, but it is required that the individual sets rules that go hand in hand with the organization's code of ethics.

Take a good care of the organizational property; Being responsible at work at an individual's level first starts with handling the organizational items one uses responsibly. Irresponsible handling of the organizational properties in most cases leads to property destruction which might affect a person's career (Masters & Wallace 278).

From this set of personal code of ethic, I am able to execute my tasks as an employee within an organization and advance my career or professional development prospects. It is important …

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