High Risk Offenders

by Linn Oatis, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Recidivism is a common social phenomenon within the criminal justice system. This is defined as the propensity of released offenders to commit crimes again. United States Department of Justice realizes the threat posed by this issue and therefore seeks to address it through various programs. One of the main aims is to ensure that once the offenders are integrated in the community once they are released. Most of released offenders will commit crimes again since they feel condemned in by members of society. Secondly, lack of source of income may prompt such people to commit crimes. The agencies therefore ensure they not only allocate resources but also services meant to rehabilitate such individuals.

1. What re-entry programs exist in your home state?

These are programs which are started with a view to prevent recidivism amongst the released prisoners (Langeluttig 1999). The United States department of justice has ensured various programs which include community organizations fighting drugs and substance abuse, counseling service programs and rehabilitation services. The programs ensure a favorable environment for released prisoners. Secondly, the programs ensure that offenders can be integrated back to the community and are accepted. Rehabilitation centers for instance are used in ensuring change of behavior amongst the offenders. This is because some offenders especially those committing sexual offenders suffer from certain psychological disorders.

2. What other federal agencies are involved in the DOJ Reentry program?

There are various federal agencies which are used to facilitate mitigation of recidivism within the criminal justice system. They include federal bureau of prisons, United States department of labor and Federal bureau of prisons chaplaincy program (Malek 2007). Department of labor is concerned with creation of employment opportunities for reformed inmates who have special skills. This is owing to the fact that most of the released offenders continue committing crimes since they lack sources of income. It is with this in mind that department of justice liaise with the ministry of labor to provide employment opportunities to released inmates.

Federal chaplaincy on the other hand is meant to provide spiritual guidance to the inmates. The main aim is to instill a sense of morality amongst prisoners. Religious institutions have been availed in prisons aiming at providing spiritual guidance for members. Spirituality may lead to change of attitudes and behavior of prisoners. This is imperative for the purpose providing a lasting solution to recidivism. Finally, the federal bureau of prisons ensures favorable living conditions for prisoners. This in terms of providing all necessary material needed to foster positive change. It also ensures that programs meant to mitigate recidivism are availed and supported within the community and in prison.

3. What agencies and/or programs do you think are the most effective and why?

The ministry of labor and the community agencies providing rehabilitation and counseling services are the most effective in mitigating recidivism. One of the main issues that prompt recidivism is lack of employment opportunity. However, department of justice in collaboration with the ministry of labor provides an opportunity for such people to …

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