middle east in the 1990s

by Ossie Hubbell, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


The Middle East is considered to be the cradle of the civilization. During all the times and epochs Middle East remained as one of the main political, economical, religious and cultural centers. A great variety of religions took roots in this region, including Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity (Armenia was the first country which took Christianity as the native religion in 301 AD) and Islam. The oldest states in the world were built here – Ancient Egypt, Urartu, Schumer, Israel and Judah kingdoms, Great Armenia, the Persian Empire, Parthia, Babylon, Assyria, the Arab Caliphate, the Georgian Kingdom.The Middle East is very rich region in the sphere of oil production. This fact brought a new world significance to the region. In spite of this the Middle East still remains politically unstable. There are a lot of conflicts and confusions, which go on during the last decades. The most actual political problems in the Middle East are the war in Iraq, the conflict between Palestine and Israel, the Armenian genocide, the conflict of Pakistan and India, strained relations in Pakistan and Afghanistan and a lot of other disagreements.The Middle East region reserves the most substantial value to the current political and economic stability of the world, which for decades going through permanent political conflict that periodically turns to military action and always characterized by violence. Confronting the State of Israel with the surrounding Arab countries and the Palestinian resistance movement remains constant destabilizing factor for the modern world system. This regional conflict certainly has a global dimension and global significance in view of the extremely important geopolitical location of the Middle East and it is more than a significant impact on energy supplies that feed the most developed economy of the West. At the end of the "Cold War," Middle East crisis ceased to define in the rhetoric of ideological confrontation that ultimately revealed fundamental contradictions - denominational, ethnic, cultural and civilizational order. In-depth understanding of these processes through political analysis is possible only with the stipulation that one of the systemic factors of globalization, which is that the political and socio-economic development of the Middle East caused by a complex mix of countervailing trends, many of which are determined by globalization and globalism of dimensional U.S.The political situation in the Middle East between 1990s and 2000s left much to be desired. The division of the USSR and new transformations in the world caused the definite changes in the Middle East. As the redistribution of forces took place, the countries of the Middle East began to negotiate. On a new stage the process of peace negotiations began in October - November 1991, in Madrid, where it held bilateral talks of Israeli delegation on the one hand, and the joint Jordan-Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese - on the other. Further progress has been achieved in Norway in 1993. During the negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which reached a number of agreements, including the introduction of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza …

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