Media Critique

by Bret Dishner, April 2015

1500 words

5 pages


“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses” (Malcolm X, Searchquotes).

The modern society can be characterized as an information society, the main wealth of which is information. The objective law of the development of the society is the intensification of informational processes, i.e. the increase in the transmission rate, which causes the increase in the amount of information transmitted; acceleration of its processing. This process can have a negative impact on the people, leading to the information overload, which in turn reduces the ability to think and reflect.

The question of the particular concern is the fact that the impact of modern media on the young generation. The fact that this impact is largely negative, is no longer contested. This is supported by existing research and the overall situation in the society. The violence that has convulsed the society, the growth of unwarranted aggression, the destruction of the traditional human values, the lack of moral values in young people, - all of these is caused by the current state of media (William O'Grady, 2007).

This topic is particularly relevant today, as there is the lack of control of the media market, which is characterized by the uncontrolled supply of information to various audiences, causing the ultimately detrimental results to the formation of the moral values of the youth and society in general.

Being involved into market relations media has lost its once-essential function of upbringing, personality formation as well as education. Today's media is a business which main goal is to obtain the profit. In order to achieve this goal all means are used in order to attract the mass audience.

The sources of mass communication transmit certain information. This information is intended to reach people who are on the other side of the media - the public. Mass media is a kind of psychological booster information. The population tends to trust the information that passes through the media to a greater extent than the information transmitted by the word of mouth.

Let us look closer at the impact that media provides on the people while forming their perception of the issue on the basis of the children's deaths (murders) in Quebec.

Sonia Blanchette, 33 years old mother from Quebec, is blamed on killing her three children, i.e. Laurélie, 5, Loïc, 4, and Anaïs, 2. According to the investigation information the family was suffered from financial problems as their relatives said that both parents had recently lost their jobs and were under increasing financial stress. The bodies of children were found on Sunday afternoon in the town 100 kilometres northeast of Montreal. The three children were found dead on Sunday, December, 2, at the mother’s house. The mother had lived alone with the three children in the second floor of a duplex for about two years (CBC News).

Blanchette had been in the hospitalized with undisclosed wounds since Sunday. The reason …

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