Mechanical Engineering

by Regina Kauzlarich, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages



Thesis Statement: Mechanical engineering is crucial in daily life finding applications in nearly all gadgets that simplify life like aeroplanes, automobiles, train, generators, and others.

Introduction: Mechanical engineering is a branch of science that deals with the manufacturing, production, planning, and designing of innovations aimed at improving the quality of life.

Body: Products associated one way or the other with mechanical engineering and are applied in everyday life are analysed. Some of the products discussed include the automobile, the aircraft, the train, the electric generator, the artificial heart, and the building ventilators.

Conclusion: In conclusion, mechanical engineering is a part of the everyday life in that most of the products used to improve the quality of life as a result of mechanical engineering. It is also beneficial to note that, mechanical engineering innovations have helped in time management and the saving of lives.

Mechanical Engineering in Everyday Life


Mechanical engineering is a branch of science dealing with manufacturing, production, planning, and designing of innovations in machines. The main aim of the innovations is improving lives. Some of the physical principles that mechanical engineers use in their line of work include the product’s design, manufacturing, assembly, structural planning, and final disposal of the products (Thelen and Frieda 36). It is also essential for mechanical engineers to take into consideration some vital factors, such as; the cost for the design and manufacturing of the products, and the effect that the products may have on the surrounding environment (Onwubolu and Tianbiao 15). Some of the characteristics of a mechanical engineer includes creativity, and the ability to develop products that are of the right quality in a bid to improving the living standards of the people involved (Thelen and Frieda 22). Therefore, this essay will discuss how mechanical engineering is applied in everyday life in a bid to improving living standards.

Products Applied in Everyday Life

their power sources.

Figure 1: An Automobile

Another product associated with mechanical engineering and has improved the living standards is the aircraft, which is an automobile able to travel through the air. Though the vehicle is considered to reduce the time taken from one point to the other, the aircraft can be able to reduce that time drastically, in that, travelling via aircraft is faster than travelling via vehicle. Most of people travelling for long distances use the aircraft because it is a much faster means of transport. The basic design of the aircraft allows it to travel in air considering that it has wings attached to propellers that propel it in the air (Onwubolu and Tianbiao 32). The invention of the aircraft is considered one of the best to date. This product is associated with mechanical engineering and is used in the everyday life (Thelen and Frieda 75). One noteworthy fact to note is that mechanical engineering is inevitable considering that people need these products mentioned above to travel faster.

Figure 2: An Aircraft

Another valuable product associated with mechanical engineering is …

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