
by Charlene Tinker, June 2014

300 words

1 page


″career″ women. Young single mothers frequently need a great deal of help and economic assisstance in caring for their children (Yamin, 2012). Unfortunately, many cannot get all the help they need, and life becomes extremely difficult for both these young mothers and their children. According to the researches the main amount of out-of-wedlock births is among blacks and Latinos, mostly high school dropouts and graduates. For those with a college degree, it is only 8%. So it can be concluded that the marriage is a privilege of highly educated Americans from a stable families. It is well known that the breakdown of the family has a negative impact for kids. For me it is some kind of a vicious circle. The matter is that blacks and Latinos mainly represent the working class of Americans, obviously it is harder for them to obtain a good job, making them uncapable to carry the marriage liabilities. So their children have a rather small chances to get a good education and afterwards a well paid job and the story just repeats from family to familty. The high rate of nonmarital births indicates that society is an abnormal or pathological state. Society in this condition faces numerous adverse consequences because youngsters without social fathers could not be properly socialized. The marriage is an important social institution that must be supported by the government. The new government programs should be established , in order to encourage the lower classes of Americans and help them to sustain their families and marital statuses.

Works Cited

Yamin, Priscilla. American Marriage: A Political Institution. Philadelphia, PA: University

of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. …

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