Electronic Record Adoption Project

by Wyatt Defelice, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


The IT progress is one of the most important parts of our life. We used to it, but sometimes we start to forget why is this so needed. IT development should be used in a proper way to improve our and the next generation’s life. The healthcare is one of the area, where the up-to-date technologies will bring new important knowledge for people, even safe their lives. The Electronic Record Adoption Project is a great possibility for IT development, which is important for people health and lives. Let’s see how it works.

Computerized physician order entry is the first stage of electronic health records. It opens a range of new possibilities. First of all it makes the process faster, especially if a patient needs a multiple treatment. We are getting rid of previous paper therapy results and of a chance to miss important details at once. Some paper results of analysis can be lost. Computerized order entry makes this almost impossible. This is a key for both - patient’s satisfaction and physician’s convenience.

One of the main challenges in computerized physician order entry adoption is the human factor. The part of experienced physicians and personnel are simply used to the paper order entry. It is the psychological habit’s issue and according to Brown Landone, it is possible to change any habits in less than 2 months if you have a clear understanding of the changes’ results and when you are highly motivated. (1,13) A range of electronic records training should be implemented for improving of the motivation experienced stuff. This must obligatory include the following elements:

Detailed description of the system’s implementation results for healthcare stuff (why is it important for this employee). It should include examples of simplification process, errors’ avoiding etc.

Detailed description of the system’s implementation results for patients. Showing that it is important for both part, moreover, for healthcare system development in general, will improve the personnel’s motivation.

Special practical trainings for stuff. We must show that using electronic records is easy and comfortable. Some practical tasks and lessons are useful.

One of the most important benefits of the electronic record system is that it makes cooperation of the different clinical areas specialists easier. If we take physicians-X-ray specialists joint work via paper documents, we can see it has some weak places, where errors or not completed information could take place. Both these areas need to have close links to each other. Conclusions of X-ray specialists must be passed to the physicians in a proper fast way without any delays or loosing details. The computerized system could solve this problem, even when patient using different hospitals for his therapy. Comprehensive computerized data base will include whole information for each patient. Viewing a comprehensive information, a physician could use more ways for treatment, see the new possibilities.

Electronic Record Adoption is also a good decision for patient’s private information protection. All information placement in computerized data base should be confirmed by patient and be secure.

So, the project’s plan of …

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