Law and the Unprofessional

by Tawna Fifer, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages



The law is used by each and every person regardless whether they know the law or not. Individuals know their rights and that is attributed to the constitution; its main purpose being to enlighten people about their rights. There are many situations whereby the unprofessional or rather the lay people find themselves representing themselves in courtrooms due to lack of may be funds to employ an attorney or simply being that they do not want one. The outcome of such cases is dependable on the representation of the cases by the lay person(s). This paper is going to focus on the perception of the lay person on law and whether they deem it proper or not. This is following an evaluation of a case represented by a lay person as will be depicted as the paper progresses.

As mentioned thereon earlier there are many cases which are represented by lay people who have no professionalism as far as the law is concerned. One such case which was witnessed is that which involved a disabled individual who was filing a law suit against a certain company which refused to employ them. The disabled man argued that the company had refused to employ him based on the fact that he was a lame man and would be a liability to the company. According to the requirements of that company the disabled man had all the qualifications but was still denied the position. The company on the other hand claimed that it could not employ the lame man as he would not be efficient in his work performance; the company did not have provision for employment of disabled people. This is contrary to the requirements of the constitution which vies for equal opportunities to each and every individual in the society regardless of their physical state (Rheinstein, 1998).

During an interview carried out on the above case, the lame man had quite much to say as to how the case progressed. He asserted that he was appreciative as to the effectiveness of the law. His presentation of the case is what must have seen him win the case; the judge ruled in favor of him and made the company pay a fine for physical discrimination. Though he did not have any professional background as to how the law works or how cases are handled, he was lucky enough to have won the case. This is attributed to his knowledge of the constitution. Each and every individual in a country is advised to have knowledge about what is entailed in the constitution as this is of great significance (Campbell, 2000). Knowing what the constitution entails avoids one from being manipulated or discriminated against as in the case of the lame man against the company that refused to employ him.

Following from what was gotten from the interview as pertaining to what made the lame man win the case, he read out the certain acts in the constitution which were against discrimination both physical as well …

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