Iron and Blood

by Erna Stonebraker, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Otto von Bismarck, German chancellor, who managed to unify Germany in the end of 19th century. Bismarck was known as Iron chancellor for his “blood and iron” statement.

Bismarck was known for usage different means to achieve a goal instead of following ideology. That is why he decided to unify Germany with blood and iron rather than with liberal methods. The main goal of Iron Chancellor was to unify Germany, no matter what it would cost.

Talking about blood and iron, Otto von Bismarck meant that he would use military forces rather than other diplomatic means. He understood that it would take decades to unite German kingdoms with the help of diplomatic means. Nothing could unite countries except common enemy, and to get such enemies he provoked wars.

The first was Danish war in 1864, as Denmark wanted two duchies. Bismarck persuaded Austria to take part in this war. Later two winners shared Schleswig and Holstein.

In 1866 Austro-Prussian war took place. Prussia secure Italia’s support in this battle, other words Seven-Weeks War, as the second wanted to have back Venetia. Bismarck made himself sure that Austria would not lose any more land, except Venetia. After this war, North German Confederation was formed. Bismarck also made southern duchies be involved in the affairs with his country.

The third war took place in 1870/71. French army declared war against Prussia, but they could not match for the Prussian army. After 4 months resistance they give up. Southern states we added to North German Confederation, as the result Second German Empire was formed. This country had the strongest military and best resources in Europe.

Otto von Bismarck managed to unite 4 kingdoms( most influential Prussia, Bavaria) 5 grand duchies, principalities and 13 duchies, free cities of Hamburg, Lübeck and Bremen and Alsace-Lorraine with the help of “iron and blood”, that is military actions


The Unification of Germany and Otto from Bismarck's role (19th Century). HubPages. Available at: HYPERLINK " and-unification-of-germany-political-liberalism-bismarck-wars-socialism" and-unification-of-germany-political-liberalism-bismarck-wars-socialism

James Graham Was Bismarck the Key Factor in the Unification of Germany? History Orb. Available at: HYPERLINK ""

Ralph Waldo Emerson. Essay "History". Age of the sage. Available at: HYPERLINK "" …

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