How Product, Pricing, Place, and Promotion Delivers Value to Customers

by Regina Kauzlarich, June 2014

2400 words

8 pages



The term product refers to the material, which has been placed in the marketing, and is in great constructive use by customers. Many products qualify to act as exchange materials due to their value. In most cases, different products are known for their differing values and value systems. Different suppliers of these products intend to attract and keep customers coming for them in the market. Therefore, they have often used these connotations. Modern business entails creation of products and services that meet the varied demands, tastes, and preferences of customers in the market. Moreover, it is inevitable to conclude that every product in the market will get to the hands of the customers. This depends on a number of characteristics, which have been instilled in, that product (Hesselbach & Herrmann, 2011).

The design of the product depicts a lot over this product. The design refers to the manner in which the product has theoretically been strategized and practically produced in order to attain a specific taste in the customer. The design speaks a lot over the product since the customer to derive will use this or chooses between one product and another. As such, suppliers of products ensure that they have used a unique style of design in order to attract customers. Every good design adds value and attractiveness to the customers in the market. The image of any product also determines its value in the eyes of customers. In most cases, the image is created during advertisements that come with the introduction of the product in the market. For instance, the image of the product gets fixed in the desires and tastes of customers such that whenever they are in need of such a product, they only describe its image, and is able to access the product from the many in the market. The kind of the product brand determines the speed at which the product will stay in the market. The brand of any product depicts the updated characteristics being poised by the product. The brand gives the product a boost in the sense of bringing out the desired needs of the customer. Moreover, every feature being carried by the product determines the nature and magnitude of the value instilled in customers. The features keep the status and usefulness of the product in the market (Kannegiesser, 2008).

As done in Hong Kong’s Amoy Food Company, most of the products are affixed with characteristic features that enable them be valuable before the eyes of customers. The food materials in this company are frozen, and are instant. This gives it the innate ability to be used after a number of days by the customers. The company produces its products with capability to be used in a microwave oven. Most of the products in this company are food materials. For instance, the burgers are made with bright colors as yellow and white. The products also have palatable smells. This often attracts customers. Moreover, the burgers made in this company are well …

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