Formal Leadership Style and Informal Leadership

by Regina Kauzlarich, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages


Leadership has always been drawing interest of various social scientists and psychologists and continues attracting individuals of different fields, as it is an important area of everyday organizational occurrences. It is not facile to identify what exactly leadership is – the term itself is used in our everyday life, but it is rare for individuals to comprehend entirely what it stands for (Clegg, Hardy, Nord, 1999; Frankel, 2008; Daly, Speedy, Jackson, 2004; Pielstick 2000). It is possible to say that leadership is a versatile process of one leader impacting individuals in a certain group, no matter if by actual influence or by induction of their behavior, in the course of decisions that have to be made. Therefore, the key to successful goal achievements and decision-making is effective leadership.

In the daily work and practice of any nurse leadership also involves motivation to act, provision of support and inspiration, managing uneasy situations, overcoming challenges, and learning non-stop (Frankel, 2008, Daly, Speedy, Jackson, 2004). All of these activities cannot be performed successfully without effective leadership skills of a nurse who takes the leading position in the team. Leaders in any given environment can be described as role models for others.

They obtain qualities of creative individuals, who always obtain various strategies, plans, and desires to devote their teams and service provision to a certain goal. Successful leaders should utilize processes of problem solving, preserve effectiveness of their team and expand identification within the group. They are also required to be active, driving and passionate, as well as obtain motivational authority on others, to put emphasize on seeking of the solution and inspiration provision for others. These qualities are required for leaders to win over the respect and faith of members of their team and, therefore, become in charge of clinical practice course and development.

Demonstration of valuable leadership style will enable the nurses to obtain the influential position to directly induce the successful development of other members, making sure that professional standards are met and making it possible for the competent practitioners to grow (Frankel, 2008; Pielstick 2000). Primarily, being a leader in a nursing environment means being able to make fast decisions responsibly, appropriate delegation skills, and ability to resolve issues and conflicts, as well as being constantly aware of the feelings of other individuals in the team and their performance. The best leaders understand how to utilize the sources that they have, the best qualities of their team members, and how to lessen the problems in order to provide the most efficient solution and plan.

In the society, there exist formal and informal types of leaders. Formal leaders are individuals that receive the leadership due to their position in the group (Daly, Speedy, Jackson, 2004). They obtain their position of leaders by being assigned to it. For example, teachers in classes, captains of the sports teams, top-managers or CEOs all are formal leaders of certain companies or its branches. In nursing this position would be taken by a senior supervising nurse …

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