
by Tomiko Melius, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Why do the elements of structure, such as work specialization, formalization, span of control, chain of command, and centralization, have a tendency to change together? Which of the five do you feel is the most important?The answer to this question lies within the fact that all the above listed concepts are elements of the organization structure, making up the system or comprehensive whole that defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. Thus, if any organization change takes place the corrective consequences occur in chain. Every element has its own influence on the organization structure. For instance, work specialization determines the degree to which tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. Then, going from general to more specific, departmentalization states the basis by which these jobs are grouped together. If chain of command regulates the line of authority present in decision making, then span of control is crucial for how many subordinates a manager has. However, the presence of centralization element in the organization structure prompts its devotion to the idea that a subordinate should only have one superior to whom he or she is directly responsible. The various combinations of these elements create different structures of organization’s operation, for example, the most common variations will result into simple, bureaucracy, matrix, virtual or boundaryless structures. The in-chain reaction to the change of at least one element is easy to demonstrate. Consider, for instance, a change of the specialization degree in the organization structure from high to low. It results into no necessity to preserve then high degree of departmentalization: it will be also reduced. The change will also have an impact on the extent of formalization. I think that any change of the elements in the organization structure results in its complex change. As to the importance rate, I regard specialization and chain of command to be the most important for defining the organization structure. The former is essential to setting goals, defining and delegation of organization’s tasks. This element influences the entire mechanism of company’s operation. It is also closely related to the chain of command element which also influences the hierarchy of the organization and how centralized or decentralized the authority is, how many parties (managing and subordinates) are involved into decision making. Most teams go through five different stages of development. But how fast a team moves through each stage will depend on the team members, their skills, the work they are expected to do, and the type of leadership available to the team. Write a summary of the five-stage progression model. It is worth mentioning that the five-stage model is universally applicable to the development and maturation of various groups, ranging from small working groups to large organizations. The model under consideration is credited to Tuckman and Jensen (1977) and which has been proved to be a valuable contribution into the study of group development for almost 45 years. The model is called “the most famous sequential-stage theory” (Johnson and Johnson 2003 cited in Fall. …

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