Eliminating measles virus in Western Pacific Region

by Lorretta Mansell, June 2014

2700 words

9 pages


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Global Actors Project

Eliminating Measles Virus in China

In a modern process of all-encompassing globalization and international integration one cannot imagine our world any more without global actors representing complex organizations and institutions of different types and origin, which promote spreading or even mixing multiple cultural aspects along with the exchange of products and ideas between nations. Long distance and political, economical, social and cultural differences of separate peoples do not matter any more: once a global actor sets a universally important mission highly ambitious in scope and develops its framework together with strategies and approaches necessary for implementing it in a distant world region, nothing can stop the organization from wielding the forethought power and influence on the target country or a number of countries being headquartered elsewhere.

The aim of the given paper is to develop an understanding of how a global actor maps the world community, how it chooses its potential target regions depending on an established mission and how it tangibly exercises the chosen strategies in order to work practically and accomplish all of the major goals in a selected region. Besides, it is also important to consider a global actor’s history, because the reasons and circumstances of its establishment may reveal invaluable details of its functioning within the modern society.

In order to demonstrate all the specificities of a global actor’s organization and work, World Health Organization (WHO) has been chosen as the primary focus of the research and, in particular, its functioning in China being a part of the Western Pacific Region. Since WHO is a coordinating health authority aimed at providing leadership on global health issues, shaping health-related research spheres, determining and adjusting health norms and standards, providing countries with technical support, monitoring and assessing world-wide health trends, it is a perfect example of a well-regulated global actor (About WHO). It goes without saying that WHO deals with various medical problems; however, the given paper will discuss its attempts against measles in the already mentioned part of the world and how the agency manages to coordinate corresponding work successfully.

As far as the structure of WHO’s central office is concerned, it is a specialized agency within the United Nations which was set up in 1948 with the headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland. Fortunately, the organization admits all independent states to full membership, including even those that do not belong to the United Nations. In addition, it admits territories with no self-governance to associate membership. At present there are 193 members. The work of the organization is administered by the World Health Assembly, which comprises of the representatives from all country members. They meet once a year in Geneva together with an executive board of 34 medical experts elected by the World Health Assembly and a secretariat headed by a director-general (World Health Organization).

When talking about WHO’s history, the following facts should be mentioned. At the beginning of 1800s, dramatically increased trade and travels between Eastern and …

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