The Stories That Can Change the World.

by Ernie Jeffress, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Humans love stories. It is apparent now with twitter and almost complete media coverage that people care about stories they hear and tell.

Telling and to being told – this is what we constantly do in out ordinary life and inside our own heads. Stories are meant to influence the listeners, change something in his mind, or “move the furniture”. The stories originate in the childhood while developing language skills. Children learn to use the words of their parents to shape their own growing mind and self-consciousness. The ability to repeat the words in one’s own head is the necessary factor in shaping the personality of a child. Soon he will be creating new words and new situations in his head, learning and shaping himself using just imagination! Apparently, the stories that we tell ourselves are what shapes us. It is the main core of our ego and of our outlook on the world.

The modern world is aware of the importance of storytelling. We have numerous ways of telling stories on the World Wide Web. And skilled professionals tell us accurately designed stories on TV, in the newspapers and on various websites. And we love them.

Religious prophets have long been using parables and proverbs in their efforts to change the world. Today’s prophets are artists, and they are trying to bring the best stories to the people using movies, and books, and blogs, and photography. A story behind a piece of art is what touches the recipients, and this is what capable of changing him. By telling a proper story a single man can turn the world’s attention to an important problem or point out some mistakes that people do in their lives. Telling the right stories can wash fascism, hatred, and ignorance away from the planet. Stories are what make us who we are. It all depends on what stories do we tell ourselves and what stories we are willing to tell the others. So choose …

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