Digitization in Digital Libraries Literature Review

by Jaunita Naylor, June 2014

300 words

1 page



This paper explores the digital libraries, the main processes, technologies which are used in such processes. Using such article as Digital Library and Digitization by Ram Nath Maurya, in this paper gives the definition of digitization and digital libraries. Additionally, in this paper discusses advantages and disadvantages of digital libraries and digitization.

Keywords: digitization, digitization process, digital library.

Digitization in Digital Libraries Literature Review

We are living in the age of new technologies and IT progress. Every day we use these technologies and sometimes we do not notice that we cannot live without them. In this paper such issues as digital libraries and digital processes will be discussed.

The revolution in digital libraries started in 1990’s. Digital libraries are very convenient in using. They are accessible; all information in them is selected, organized in special way and preserved. One of the main advantages is that the most rare books and very valuable issues can be available for many people anywhere at the same time. (Maurya, 2011, p. 228)

Additionally, we have to define what digital library is. As Maurya writes, “digital library is a dynamic store house of digitized information such as digital video, e-prints, e-journals, e-documents CDs, DVDs, etc.” (p. 228) Digitization process is a process of transcribing different information into a digital form and due to this it can be easily recreated by computer devices. (Feltner-Reichert, Walker, and Casado, 2007, p. 3) Digitization is a process which gives the second birth to printed books. Nowadays people prefer to use electronic sources. Many devices are adopted for reading electronic data such as mobile phones, computers, iPads, etc. Additionally, more and more electronic data become free of charge. It is very convenient and people estimate such advantages. That is why digitization is so important in our IT world.

Digitization process is very complicated. All symbols represent in a new way, in a digital way. Due to new devices like scanner, camera an others images become digital. (Eze, 2011, paper 651)

Of course, digitization has it own problems. Sometimes the quality of paper is poor and the quality of software or hardware is not enough to identify the words or images.

As for me, digital libraries are the future of the modern world. Their work improves and the next generation will have convenient and large digital libraries.


Maurya, R N. (2011). Digital library and digitization. International Journal of Information Dissemination & Technology, l(4), 228.

Feltner-Reichert M., Walker, T. B., and Casado, M. (2007). Digitization and metadata

basics. Tennessee Libraries, 57(2), 1-6.

Eze A.B. (2011). Digitization of archival collections in Africa for scholarly

communication: issues, strategies, and challenges. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), paper 651. < HYPERLINK "http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1725&context= libphilprac" http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1725&context=l ibphilprac …

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