Cross cultural communication implications in business

by Gwendolyn Contos, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Cross culture communications Implications when conducting business within the US and the UAE

Communication, the sheer sending and receiving of information is undoubtedly very important in trade. It takes place before, during and even after a transaction: in marketing a product, persuading potential customers/client, price negotiation and feedback. In its simplest form, communication links any two or more involved parties for a defined intended purpose or interaction, whether business related or not. The communication of information, ideas, interests and even emotions makes it possible for people to achieve things. Without it, or compromising on any aspect of it, the world would be nothing but chaos. Within the business context, trade would not be possible or smooth without proper communication between buyers and sellers. As noted by Zhang and Gelb (1996), consumers generally react more positively to adverts that are harmonious with their culture.

Communication thus extends to the flow of people and/or goods and services. Proper communication avenues facilitate effective interaction for commercial and social purposes. This way, beneficial environment for multi cultural interaction and thriving business is created.

Different people and diverse ethnicities have special ways of communication and different ways of doing things. The implications of this cross cultural communications and interactions should therefore be a top consideration in carrying out international trade (Noack, 2007). Take for example, the U. S. and the United Arab emirates that are two worlds apart and commonly referred to as the west and the East. Regardless of which side of the divide you intend to do business from, it is imperative that the means and content of communication are appealing to the receiving end.

From a bird’s eye view of the two cultures, differ fundamentally on religion. This in turn influences the legal system and the people’s way of life. Christian beliefs and accepted practices greatly influence the US as Islam has in the UAE, commonly referred to the Arab world. However, the USA is more secularized and the locally predominant religion is not as heavily felt as it is the case in the East (Wunderle & Combat Studies Institute, Army Command & General Staff College, 2006). The influence of Islam in the UAE is quite strong. In many aspects, the Arab world is still very traditional. Traditional societies are according to Cheng and Schweitzer (1996), static, with low levels of specialization and less urbanization. They have authoritarian political systems and leaders. Members of a modern society on the other hand enjoy political participation, are highly specialized and are less bound by customs as it is the case in the US. Americans are a highly urbanized society. As described by Bakhtari (1995), they are direct, competitive, fast paced, independent and individualistic, inquisitive, and punctual.

As opposed to the UAE, Americans are more inclined to direct forms of communication. Americans have a low context culture that is rather individualistic as argued by Hall and Hall (1987). In the US, direct forms of communications are the norm. With great levels of urbanization, the level of Democracy …

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