"Mean Girls"

by Susanne Ryman, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


The practice of bullying might not be well recorded, but seems to be a phenomenon that has been part of the society with its most frequent appearance at schools. As part of the contemporary society it is not accepted although not properly judged either. This phenomenon has been out there for so long that people do not take it into account seriously. Most parents think it is a normal process during the growth, so no need to worry that much, until they face the consequences of such not funny but weird dangerous problem.

Bullying involves a variety of behavior; such behavior is common in a person or associated persons with a common aim: to produce damage, whether physical or psychological to another individual, weaker, more vulnerable. Damages also vary depending on the intensity of the bullying; direct attacks involve hitting, punching, verbal threatening, belongings breakage, teasing, pushing while indirect attacks take place through malicious rumors spreading, social rejection or group exclusion.

Bullying can start at young ages, parents and teachers need to be aware of bullying, they also need to be a role model for their children. There should be lawsuits against bullying. Bullying hurts, but as long as we start listening and caring for each other, there won’t be tears in your kids’ eyes when you ask them what was going on at school. It can provoke long term consequences, to the extreme point that victims feel the need to carry with them weapons, respond to bullying with brutal violence and the most horrific of them, many teens are pushed to commit suicide. Except the cases that end in a tragic death, the rest has to deal with higher levels of depression, lack of self-esteem, fear, and other acute symptoms.

Boys and girls handle conflict differently. Boys tend to argue, physically fight. They put the conflict out there and deal with it. Girls do things differently. Girls can be silent, secretive and hard to detect. Girls fight with a mean look, gossip, spreading rumors, note passing and isolation. Much of this behavior goes unnoticed by teachers and parents because girls are so good at hiding it. The worst part is, girls are not the only target, and they bully guys also. Those “mean girls” who didn’t get caught in school, are going bring their nastiness to the next level in workplaces, even to their children when they become moms, and that would be negative affect on our next generation.

Bullying isn’t just limited to name-calling and playground fights; it has taken a more serious turn. Bullying could be harmful, and it could destroy people. Not only does it decrease school satisfaction, its impact is devastating. The bullied now are more frequently turn to violence as a solution. Male bullying are physical, they simply fight, while female bullying are subtle, sneaky, behind the door. When people think about bully, they probably …

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