Confucius Bk 13 Ch 19

by Marvel Bialaszewski, June 2014

300 words

1 page


The passage tries to talk about the moral standards supposed to be observed by people as they carry on their daily businesses. People are advised to always be sincere though they live among insincere members of the community.Reasons Confucius might have realized doing the wrong thing because fellow members of the society are on the wrong is not right and justifiable. People should always look at the morality value of their action and not the deeds of fellow members of the society. Confucius had a realization that members of the society are mostly uncivilized and doing the wrong things. The uncivilized behaviors include insincerity in their behaviors while transacting businesses. AnalysisThe passage has a teaching on the need of human being sincerity while carrying out their daily business activities. It extends the learning to need of human beings not trying to ape behaviors from insincere members of the society. Confucius is right on the need of people taking personal responsibility on their actions. Human beings from time immemorial have been seen to ape wrong deeds from others and trying to justify them as right because their acceptance within the society (Vannini 12). Confucius has to believe in the need of human being doing the right thing so that he can believe in need of sincerity among people. The believe will lead to realization of the insincerity that exists within the world.PassageFan Ch'ih asked about perfect virtue. The Master said, "It is, inretirement, to be sedately grave; in the management of business, to bereverently attentive; in intercourse with others, to be strictly sincere. Though a man go among rude, uncultivated tribes, these qualities may not beneglected."Works CitedVannini, Phillip, and J. Patrick Williams. Authenticity in culture, self, and society. Farnham, England: Ashgate Pub., 2009. …

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