Are technologies and convenient consumer inventions(ie. products that make life easier)good for people?

by Rivka Saville, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


Nowadays innovative technologies are an integral part of life of nearly every person on the planet. These are used at home, at work, outdoors and target various activities. However, all of the technologies share the same feature – they tend to make life of people easier and more convenient. At the same time it is believed by many people that innovative technologies bring more harm than good and today it is time to address the issue by every individually and only for oneself decide what is good for him or her and what should be avoided.

Despite the fact that there are really some disadvantages and harm brought by innovative technologies, still the benefits a greater and they are worth sacrificing some other issues in order to achieve the greatest good. Nowadays every part of human beings’ life is affected by technology, but the areas of convenience, education, and relationships are the most influenced ones (The effects and influences of technology on society and human kind).

Convenience is important because reaching it is the goal of the whole technological industry – thousands of devises are made and improved in order to give people an opportunity to have more convenience and comfort in their lives.

As for education, recently online classes have become especially popular; more and more students from various countries become involved into this form of education. Moreover, for many students who learn at online schools, colleges, and universities, this form of education is the only one available.

Relationship online has become a significant part of life of millions of people all over the world. However, it has contributed to reduction of amount of time which people spend together in real life. Education which requires usage of innovative technologies bring some negative issues as well – problems with sight, lack of control by professors, possibility to become a victim of hackers, etc. (Is technology good or bad?)

First of all, convenience is something which all people tend to in various aspects of our lives – leisure, work, at home, indoors, outdoors, etc. All the activities together and each one separated are performed in order to make people’s life better and easier and technologies make a significant contribution to reaching this aim.

Today any person will agree that clothes are washed in a washing machine (nobody does it manually) and people watch television and listed to music (using TV sets and computers, of course). These and many other examples are present in our lives every day. They have become common to such extent that we do not notice the fact that our life is made easier – toasters, computers, telephones, dryers are accepted like something which is a part of life and not only some devise to contribute to convenience (Technology: good or bad?).

Secondly, education is very important aspect of life which is influenced by innovative technologies. The greatest impact was made by availability to computers and of the internet – people received access to incredible …

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