Alienation in Relationships

by Shalanda Bacchus, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


At first sight, “Ice” by L. Tuck, “Your Fate Hurtles Down at You” by J. Shepard and “Bed Death” by L. Ostlund do not seem to be thematically connected. The short stories mentioned above are set in different places, and their protagonists appear to have nothing in common. However, a thorough analysis reveals that in fact the writers touch upon the same issue in their works. Particularly, one of the central themes of the short stories under discussion is isolation, emotional detachment and separation. The authors depict various types of relationships: a young lesbian couple, an elderly married couple, and complicated relations between two young people who have strong emotional bonds to each other, but are not meant to be together. The main characters are alienated from their partners, and their relationships cannot be described as happy and harmonious. The aim of the given essay is to show how the theme of aloofness is reflected in all three short stories.

The relationship of Maud and Peter, the protagonists of “Ice” by Tuck, can be defined as strained. Maud and Peter have been together for over forty years and know each other so well that they seem to be able to read each other’s minds. Though the author does not say directly that there is a conflict between the partners, readers can feel some tension between Maud and Peter. The scene of Maud and Peter making love reveals that they have some troubles in their marriage life. This moment of intimacy between the characters is rather awkward, since they make love with the public-address speaker switched on and then start talking about things inappropriate to the occasion.

Readers notice Maud’s panic and fear of being left alone. She feels uneasy when she loses sight of her husband while standing on deck and when she finds him gone from the room in the middle of the night. She is overwhelmed with fear when after an argument with Peter approximately twenty years ago he leaves her. Her jealousy and suspiciousness alienate Peter. While Maud is anxious, Peter gives the impression of being depressed and keeps silent most of the time. He prefers to discuss some natural phenomena or geography and never refers to their private issues. Maud is aware of the fact that something is going on with her husband. While talking to her, he sounds bantering, which clearly indicates that “he is either hiding something or he is feeling depressed” (Tuck 52). Maud cannot explain her husband’s aloof behavior and that is why she feels separated from Peter. The depiction of the surrounding landscapes adds to the feelings of anxiety and iciness. The couple is on a cruise ship traveling in the Antarctic. Cold air, piercing wind, deep dark ocean waters, huge icebergs, and vast inhospitable territories covered with snow are in the background and might be interpreted as symbols of Maud and Peter’s frozen relationship.

Alienation is an underlying theme of Lori Ostlund’s “Bed Death.” Unlike Maud and Peter, who have …

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