Why Florida Tech?

by Ricarda Fouch, July 2015

900 words

3 pages


Choosing a university is no simple task. One is confronted with a choice that is going to determine the next several years of one’s life in many aspects. The first and the foremost aspect is that the choice of one’s possible future career will be significantly dependent on the university major one will have and how successful one will be in attempting to do his or her best during the university studies.

It could be said that it is a very natural and simple way to make this conclusion, but, as life shows, some students sooner or later quit their university studies for various reasons, thus, indicating either that the choice they made was not the best for them or was “too good” for them to hold on to and they eventually lose their chance. I do not want to belong to that percentage of students. I am not a quitter, and the reason for that is that I always try to think things through, to figure out the cost and envision the consequences of actions that can seriously influence my life as it is now and my long-term future.

Thus, the very choice to go to a university was a choice in itself for me. I thought to myself that if I was going to become a university student, I would not expect myself to fail as a student and as a personality during the university years, and I would make it to the graduation.

Since my childhood there were two things that really consumed me– inventing things and team games. I really liked different sorts of games my friends and I played together. It was pretty boring for me to play by myself, so I enjoyed every opportunity to participate in team games with different variations of them that we as children and teenagers came up with. I still have this passion for team games, and as time passed and I became more mature, I began to realize why I like team games or team work – it is because it has a lot to do with the invention process, thinking of the best way to do something strategically. When I was a child and a teenager, my friends and liked inventing things – or I had better say finding new applications for things used for other purposes. For example, we tried to build small “houses” in our backyards using various sorts of things from our homes, and of course, tried to design something resembling a “crane” using ropes and a nearby tree. We were very creative and I was blessed to have really good positively thinking friends that helped a lot to form myself as a personality and as part of the team too.

The reason I am sharing this is that it reveals the roots of my decision-making process which, finally, was expressed in choosing to attend Florida Institute of technology. When I was thinking what general direction I want my life to have and it was …

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