Weather Sends Overtime Budget Soring

by Bret Dishner, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Weather is the occurrence in the earth’s atmosphere taking place at any given time or location. The climatic condition of a given area could have a simple description as the average weather putting into consideration the parameters linked to climate, which include temperature, rainfall, clouds, and the airstream. They give the average weather in the planet’s atmosphere accounting the energy transfer, plus the revolutions taking place within the environment (Guffey & Carolyn, p 450). Given certain duration of time, the global climate relics at a widely stable state bearing in mind that amount of energy received happens to be equal to that lost.

Several nations are feeling the effects out coming from changes experienced in weather. The economy of any state has negative influences resulting from the natural disasters caused by the change in climate therefore forcing them to spend extra costs in sustaining and stabilizing the situation (Guffey & Carolyn, p 450). Countries that rely on agriculture can face tragic economic loses and additional expenditures on the annual budget in case the weather changes unexpectedly. For states to be safe and secure at all times, they need to come up with solutions on how to ensure they do not get affected lease incur major loses on any climate related activity.

Narrowing the effects of weather to individual level, families experience immense expenses the moment the weather changes since they will have to reorganize their means of living, which in this case calls for extra expenses. A number of activities that man takes part in daily basis exceedingly influence the weather. On the hand, man is taking part in industrial activities that are stimulating the global weather alterations. The best solution is to reduce influencing factors then focus on activities that least affect the environment (Guffey & Carolyn, p 450). This way, the entire planet stands a chance of experiencing unfavorable weather conditions that lead to an overtime budget.

Work Cited

Guffey, Mary E, and Carolyn M. Seefer. Business English. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western, 2008. …

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