Treatment Challenges for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

by Jaunita Naylor, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112015" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc343112015 \h 3

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112016" Treatment Challenges for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Context PAGEREF _Toc343112016 \h 3

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112017" Mental Health Issues/Dual Diagnosis PAGEREF _Toc343112017 \h 4

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112018" Bio-psychological Approach PAGEREF _Toc343112018 \h 5

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112019" Funding PAGEREF _Toc343112019 \h 6

HYPERLINK \l "_Toc343112020" Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc343112020 \h 8

Treatment Challenges for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities


Developmental disability is a chronic disability of a person and is attributed to impairment. It usually appears on a person before the ages of 22 (Zigman, 2010). They are birth disabilities that affect the normal functioning of one’s body. This includes the nervous system disabilities that affect the brain, nervous system function and the spinal cord. There are sensory-related disabilities that cause sight and hearing problems. Metabolic disorders are also apart of these disabilities. They affect one’s digestion process. There are degenerative disorders that appear to a person when they are a little older, and they can result into mental and physical and mental problems.

Treatment Challenges for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Context

Developmental disabilities may cause diseases such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, autism, phenylketonuria, and Rett syndrome (Zigman, 2010). The development disability is not only in the young, it also affects the elderly. This is a disorder in adults where there IQ is 70 and below. People affected need help with daily survival activities. Some governments have programs where they pay staff to help these people in leading a normal life. For such disorders, there is a related disorder within the immediate family, which is caused by biomedical or even structural disabilities. Such disorders are psychiatric or emotional disorders, stress or adaptation disabilities. They may be due to psychological social conditions.

Treating these disorders is not easy since the victims have problems expressing themselves hence a physician has to depend on other people for information. The specialist has to relate stories to be able to classify the kind of disorder that one has. There are different classifications or levels that enable a help giver to give treatment. There are five levels. The levels are in a multi-axial system, which are the DSM-IV.its levels are given as axis I, it involves clinical disorders or mental illness, axis II which involves development disability, personal disability or mental retardants. Zigman (2010) reveals that Axis III, involves the general medical conditions. Axis IV involves the psychological and environmental problems. Axis V is the global assessment of functioning.

Mental Health Issues/Dual Diagnosis

Robin Friedlander, chair of development disabilities section of Canadian Psychiatric Association defined dual diagnosis as a suffering from the combined effects of the two most stigmatized health problems in the society. The population is put in double jeopardy: mental health problems and development disability that have kept their issues and interest under the carpet away …

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