Ageing Phase of Life

by Lissa Kimble, July 2015

3000 words

10 pages


Ageing Phase of Life

Though ageing is an inevitable process, it is still surrounded by misconceptions (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2011) and, often, by the negative attitude (Lee, et. al., 2007). Age-related changes are, primarily, associated with biological changes, changes in intelligence (Stuart-Hamilton, 2007), and social changes. Gerontologists and psychologists pay much attention to psychical and psychological changes in ageing people (Craik & Salthouse, 2008; Binstock & George, 2006), as their understanding is an important prerequisite for successful integration of ageing people in social life. Specialists agree that creating a positive image of ageing is a pivot step to establishing communication between the generations and creating harmonious community, so, it should be understood as an opportunity (Hilts, 1999), rather than a test.

It is obvious that understanding the phenomenon of a “smash ageing” is about the introduction of an open dialogue between psychologists and ageing people, which results in building a body of theoretical and practical knowledge important for entering “happy ageing” and establishing harmonious relations between the generations. The majority of specialists agree that the notion “successful ageing” implies avoidance of disease or disability, maintenance of physical and cognitive functions, and the active involvement in social life and interpersonal activities (Luszcz, 2004).

The objective of this paper is to trace physical, social, and psychological changes which occur in the life of the three individuals in their young-old and old-old phases of life; and to explore their experience of the “successful ageing”. The paper is structured the way so to present demographic information about the interviewees; physical, social, and psychological changes which occur in their lives; and brief analysis of these changes. The letter is important for “showing the formula” of “successful ageing” – the efficient integration of an ageing individual in social and cultural life of his/her community.


The following research covers the experience of the three interviewees in their young-old and old-old phases of life. All the interviewees consented to share their life-experience and feelings with the interviewer. The interviews were conducted at the interviewees’ places, in the calm relaxed atmosphere. Before the interview, all the participants were informed about the objectives of the research and the further utilization of its results. Below, is the brief demographic information about each participant.

1. N., 62-years-old, single female. The interviewee has a higher education and has been working as a teacher in the boarding school for 35 years. Currently, the interviewee is retired. She lives in her house alone and keeps in touch with her relatives on the phone. N. has an adult son and two grandchildren. She visits them regularly, generally, once a month. Her son and his family visits N. several times a year.

2. A., 78-years-old married male. The interviewee has a secondary education and has been working as a railroad worker for 40 years. The interviewee is retired and lives in his house in the country. He has two adult daughters who live separately. His elder daughter lives abroad, and they keep in touch on the …

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