Substances Use

by Roseanne Lohmann, June 2014

300 words

1 page


1. There is a big difference in definitions of substance use, misuse abuse and dependence. There are lots of people who sometimes, occasionally or quite often use substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc). However, it is not that bad and for example it is taken normally in society for example to drink alcohol occasionally or to smoke. When we talk about substance abuse, it means that one is inclined to harmful use of substance. The notion of substance misuse is quite close to it. When one exceeds some limitations of substance use, it grows into substance misuse which usually has negative impact on a person. And of course substance dependence makes a person dependent on some concrete substance. In other words, he or she cannot normally live without this substance and use it regularly in extremely big amount.

2. Millers and Gold has conducted a research about neurochemical basis for alcohol and other drug addiction. The results of the study supported the hypothesis that there is a common neurochemical basis for alcohol and other drug addiction. According to these results people have a common genealogical vulnerability to combined alcohol and other drug addiction. In other words, if there is a severely alcohol-addicted man, his children are likely to have psychological, mental and health problems and diseases and a high possibility to become alcoholics as well.

3. Alcohol has negative influence on many organs and general state of health in general. It causes vomiting, damages brain in the form of blackouts, memory loss and anxiety. Also alcohol is known for being a second big risk factor for cancer, high blood pressure, muscle weakening, liver cirrhosis and other diseases.

4. Cannabis just like alcohol has many negative effects on a human body. Nevertheless, there are many discussions on medical cannabis and positive effect of this drug. However, despite relaxation, euphoria, illusion, it also causes anxiety, panic, hallucinations and have bad impact on brain. Scientists claim that cannabis can trigger psychosis, loss of control, develop schizophrenia and manic depression.

5. It is quite dangerous to mix drugs because it can lead to allergies, dizziness, poisoning. Drug interactions are potentially harmful and dangerous for health since they interact with each other and such chemical reaction can lead to negative and even fatal …

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