Security and internet privacy

by Andrea Konkol, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages


Reasons for use/evaluationLawful Internet interception is becoming more and more critical issue for both Law Enforcement agencies and technicians. A lot of secret data that may be very helpful for crimes reveal can be obtained only when using Internet communication interception. The problem is that this data is private and confidential, and everybody who finds his/her web site or e-mail box broken into may refer to the court. The author of the article explains different aspects of interception, compares lawful interception in access networks and the Internet. In order to have a possibility to find a measure between what is legal and what is not, the representatives of Law Enforcement Agencies, companies’ owners and technicians should discuss all possible variants and alternatives of interception implementation. Everybody who uses the Internet wants to be sure that privacy and security risks are minimal, and people’ rights are not be neglected.In the conclusion the author proves that the systems of lawful Internet interception are immature and should be improved. Network researches should take a responsibility for software creation that would satisfy all the parties. Article is based on lawful Interception of the Internet and its influence on ordinary users.It explains the notion of Internet interception, its types and interconnected issues. The article is well-structured, what makes the process of its understanding easier. The author provides terms definitions and explains technological aspects that may be difficult for understanding.This article can be used as a reliable source of information that deals with Internet security and especially with Internet interception.Quotable quotes:I have some moral and ethical issues (about Lawful Interception), but I think quite frankly that the place to argue this is in Congress and in the courtroom, not a service provider's machine room when he's staring down the barrel of a subpoena. (McCullagh 2003). References to obtainPhilip Branch, Lawful Interception of the Internet \ Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society\ 2003\ Title: Rainbow Consultant Author: N/AURL: Content SummaryReasons for use/evaluationAlthough a lot has been done in terms of Internet security, the risk for commercial transactions still exists. …

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