Public transportation in Los Angeles - Data analysis

by Wyatt Defelice, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Los Angels Transit System should have maps printed out and placed at various bus terminuses in order to give commuters a clear direction of where the bus is headed to. The Los Angels Transit has to invest heavily in systems as they do in massive advertisements that don’t necessarily mirror what is offered on the roads. In reality, bus transport system isn’t really what is visible on the ground despite massive and far reaching advertisements. So real time tracking systems would be needed to help commuters determine the distance left for the bus to arrive. Online systems would therefore be ideal in this case. In this case, Los Angeles commuters can scan through the website which of course uses satellite tracking system to indicate that distance. The systems should also be integrated at various bus terminuses, so commuters can walk towards the bus station just to check for themselves.

The NextTrip L.A system would be ideal in this scenario. This would help the state cut spending costs, while it makes commuters become conversant with the NextTrip system and also less intimidated by the same system. However, in its endeavor to lure more users, L.A needs to cut down on advertisement which is rampart and doesn’t reflect the situation on the ground. Commuters will not use the bus because the billboard is tells them to do so. I think commuters are likely to use any transport system provided their systems are user friendly. The reality is, such improvements would be expensive to realize, but its benefits would be even long-term in terms making the bus easily accessed by the general populous. Simply put, priorities should be shifted from public relations towards public service. The bus transport system should be made rather user friendly and rather practical and not simply a concept on a piece of …

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