
by Constance Turrell, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages


Healthcare system in the United States is represented by a large network of medical organizations, agencies and establishments. All the healthcare facilities are owned and operated by private businesses. But the government first and foremost provides a health insurance for the employees of a public sector.

A long time the country was in a strong need of changes in the healthcare system because the policies that was created and followed all around the states was getting flawed and became the reason of new issues in public health services. These policies were the part of such government health programs as Tricare, or Military Health System, Medicare, State Health Insurance Program, or Medicaid etc.

That's why Barak Obama changed the direction in the development of healthcare system, and led off new healthcare reforms. On March 23 2010 he signed “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” into federal law, informally known as “ObamaCare”.

ObamaCare is focused on a prevention and wellness, an improvement of the access to a primary care for every citizen of the United States. Moreover, it affects the profession of nurses giving them the posibility to improve their professional skills, and provide a medical help to patients in and out of medical facilities showing the high quality healthcare service which we can be proud of.

The policy of ObamaCare is more different from those ones which were established before. It faces the critics of many famous governors, politicians, researchers and scientists. Forbes, a well-known American Journal, stated that this reform won't affect in a good way the healthcare system in general but at least it will surely make the nurses and physician assistants (PAs) the winners while the doctors are going to lose badly (FORBES, 2011). This point of view is explained by the increased demand for health care and low reimbursements that are the basis of ObamaCare policy. This revisions will surely make the doctors leave medical practice and start to find another position in the same field. Here comes a room for nurses and physician assistants. The nurses will be called on to provide a medical care for patients that previously only physicians could do.

Historical Background

The imperfection of the effective public programs that have led to the increase of costs for healthcare operating policy, and the dissatisfaction of Americans gave an impetus for the U.S. Government to bring up the healthcare issue and to start reforming the medical care system to improve its conditions and raise the standards.

There is no prosperous country in the world which could provide an exhaustive healthcare that can be free of charge, or inexpensive to the entire population. Talking about the United States, almost 18 per cent of Americans do not have a health insurance. These number grew since 1970s. Moreover, the healthcare costs were rising quickly and caused the soaring federal budget deficit. That's why many congressmen tried to change the situation by giving out the radical proposals. For example, Paul Ryan, the Republican Representative …

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