Mini Business Plan

by Elba Borgmann, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


Assessment of the need for the service within the community served by the organization

A wound care nurse, who is an LPN, is extremely important for the community which is served by the organization. Such nurse is a registered nurse, who specializes in the area of providing preventative care, as well as treatment care for the patients who have various types of founds, including surgical incisions, pressure sores, wounds which are caused by some injury, wounds which are caused by stomas, wounds which are consequences of infections, and also openings which are caused by colostomy bags and feeding tubes.

A wound care nurse has numerous duties, which include evaluation of the condition of the skin of the patients in order to prevent any pressure ulcers; wound care nurse also apply mediated salves and use a range of other treatments which are aimed at healing of existing wounds. A wound care nurse is also expected to educate the patients in order to teach them how to take care about their wounds, stomas, and surgical incisions.

An environmental scan

Analyzing work environment which a wound care nurse works, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a wide range of settings are appropriate organizations. These include clinics, hospitals, doctor’s offices, centers which provide special wound care, homes of the patients, etc.

A wound care nurse can also work in emergency department in order to help dealing with serious injuries, treat patients who are immobile. Regardless of the fact whether a wound care nurse works at a specialized center, emergency department, or at patient’s homes, their job is usually stressful and tiring (Wound Care Nurse Job Description and Responsibility).

Since the position of a wound care nurse is a newly introduced one to the hospital, it is necessary to take into account the fact that particular equipment and additional medication might be needed in order to give the nurse an opportunity to provide more effective health care.

It is also important to manage the atmosphere among the nursing staff to make sure that all the nurses cooperate are ready to support each other; workplace management is also necessary to make sure that there are not conflicts among the staff and that tensed atmosphere does not bring any difficulties in the process of health care provision.

Development of a mission statement

Development of a mission statement involves addressing of the issues which are the most important ones in the process of health care delivery. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that constant research and improvement of knowledge is an essential part of work of a wound care nurse.

Secondly, as it has been already mentioned above, stress almost always accompanies wound care nurse’s activity, and it negatively impacts on the results of the work. Thus, promotion of education, reduction of stress is the components of the mission.

The last, but not the least, effectiveness in health care and care are integral part of effective health care provision. Individual approach is the basis for these two. Thus, it …

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