John F. Kennedy

by Krystle Hadley, June 2014

1500 words

5 pages


Formation and establishment of the governing elite of the USA appeared on the basis of negation of monarchy idea concerning the sacred nature of power and on the ground of developing notion of so-called “democratic” sacral power: each person could become the President, since each individual can force and push oneself to become the one, who deserves to be elected as the President. Vast competence of the President also caused rather serious requirements, set for the stated position. Therefore, the democratic elitist power system was established and formulated. Governing elite was absolutely open by means of its inner mechanisms: political parties, different political clubs, masonic lodges, and other governmental agencies. It forced them to demand quite elitist requirements from their members and participants.

Thus, people see “fathers of nation” in its Presidents, since these Presidents serve for the USA – this ideal scheme was inviolable for Eisenhower; however, real life negated it, since one of the greatest American Presidents, John F. Kennedy, could not manage to overcome it entirely.

Therefore, returning to the way of becoming of John F. Kennedy started with his family. His grandfather, Patrick Kennedy, moved to the USA in 1850, but his father was born just in 1888. It is worth admitting that in 19th century in Boston Irish lobby preserved the same influence in the politics, as it preserves in the contemporary society. Referring to Nasaw (2012), still all the politics of that time was concentrated in bars and cafes. That was one of the reasons why father of the future President of the USA bought one. Further on the career of the young Irish man in Boston was blistering, since he chose the sole correct for him decision to earn certain position in the society. Then he married a daughter of Boston mayor.

In 1917 he became the President of a small bank by saving it from bankruptcy. That year, founder representatives noticed his success and made him an assistant of the Chief executive officer of the company. After the end of the First World War, Joseph earned his first million. After a while he managed to buy a net of cinemas in New England.

John Kennedy, the second out of nine children, was born on May 29th, 1917 in the family of Joseph and Rose near Boston. He grew up at the same place and spent his youth in New York. However, John was rather unhealthy child, avoidant one, and had uncharacteristic for the rest of his family love to reading books.

Since early childhood, father taught children about different political strategies. Robert Kennedy, younger John’s brother, recalled later that he could hardly recall the time when their family gathered together and they did not talk about politics.

Career of John Kennedy actually started with appointment of his father. When his father was Ambassador at the end of 30s, John lived in England, visited the USSR, Germany.

After the end of the Second World War, John Kennedy worked for a while as a journalist in the American media …

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