How to become a better writer

by Martin Kamaka, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Writing abilities have always been an important part of human communication as well developed writing skills include fluency, creativity, and comprehensibility that are required for normal expression of our thoughts in writing and for clear understanding of our ideas by others. Some may be born with the talent to express their thought and operate with words, while the better part of people has to learn how to write properly.

While writing skills include several important elements like vocabulary, punctuation, structure and grammar, improving one’s writing skills includes improvement in each of its elements. As well as in many other spheres of human activity, writing skills can be seriously improved only through constant practice. One of the most widely recognized approaches to writing is critical thinking, often used together with the “writing-as-process” approach to writing instructions – topic selection, statement of purpose, outline of procedure, selection of evidence, and logical formation of argument” (Alter & Adkins; 2001; p. 495).

The same requirements should be taken into consideration when structuring each paragraph as to create a perfect paragraph one should include some statement, development of the ideas or arguments, climax and ending. However, structuring is not everything as the critical thinking approach pays special attention to the type of arguments used, the way they are applied, the terms used and to the appropriate nature of the arguments.

Spelling and grammar are also very important elements of writing abilities that can be improved through practice only. The more attention one pays to grammar and spelling rules, the more specific and difficult tasks he completes regularly to improve his knowledge in grammar and spelling the better.

Another important element of writing skills that is often missed or misunderstood by modern students is pre-writing preparation. This is where one should start any type of writing. This element includes: defining the type of writing, defining specifics of this type, finding and working through relative literature sources. As a result, while the number of elements in writing skills is large, the best, if not the say the only mean to improve one’s writing skills, is writing itself.

Works Cited

Alter, Catherine, Adkins, Carl. “Improving the Writing Skills of Social Work Students”, Journal of Social Works Education, 2001, 37(3): 493- …

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