Facebook for Children?

by Precious Logue, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Facebook is one of the most popular social networks, having about 350 million members who spend 10 billion minutes collectively per day. Activities on Facebook range from writing on peoples walls, to keeping in pace with the drastic change the social world. This social media is becoming popular with businesses, political organizations as well civic groups. They are fast embracing use of Facebook as it offers them valuable connections. Many researchers state that this social network has greatly benefited the society and tend to think that even opening Facebook to pre-teens is a good idea. However, some negative consequences of the social media such as increased procrastination, bullying, as well as gossip mongering have impacted negatively on our society. Moreover, pre-teen users cannot exercise self-control and behave responsibly to maintain the gain the site has availed. Thus, Facebook pertains the habit of addiction among youngsters, a tendency that is not desirable.

The rise in popularity of the social media networks has raised concerns over the literacy and writing abilities of the young generation due to their frequent use of abbreviations, acronyms and emoticons (McLuhan, Marshall, n.d). Experts have had heated arguments on the impacts of the rapid rise of social media networks, especially Facebook.

Facebook should not be so widely available to youngsters, as it causes a great number of negative effects on the writing skills of young people. Facebook is a medium of communication, a platform to air one`s view and a place to meet new people and reunite with old friends. The young people have developed a habit of using acronyms and abbreviations to post on Facebook. As a result, this has been transferred to academic writing as young people write in class the way they do on social media. Facebook is deteriorating the standard written English that we used to know back in the day before the invention and invasion of the social media (Wambugu, Sam. 2009). Decades after the innovation of Facebook, education system has also been greatly affected since the kind of writing in this websites have spread to class rooms and working place.

Apart from deterioration of writing skills among youngsters, we cannot ignore other negative impacts of Facebook on youngsters. Facebook obsession is one of the major challenges to the users; it robes people of their time. According to Hafner (2009), Facebook tends to be more distractive to teenagers who spend a lot of their time in it at the cost of their studies. It is, therefore, needful that the school-going age be able to find amicable solution to this problem. However, this is a noble task and most people have tried to break from the addiction in vain. This is based on the fact that it brings family members, colleagues, and friends together enabling it to create strong ties that bind the users to the site. This bond becomes so strong that those who try to leave find themselves back to the network. Additionally, addiction to Facebook has caused wrangle leading to separation …

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