Developing A Retail Packaging For A New Product

by Milan Varnado, June 2014

900 words

3 pages



The paper includes description of how a product can be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States; how product can be small runs at first and then, how the package can be a folding carton with a three color print. There is also a discussion of what print methods will or can be used for the first smaller runs, and then how packaging could be changed to a different method, if the product does better than expected. The paper also includes how these changes can be justified and why changes can be postponed.

Choosing a Manufacturer

The first and very important step for a company is to choose a manufacturer. The choice depends on the type of the product to be produced, local conditions (economic, business, technological, socio-political and environmental) and cost. Some companies would choose local production, but for mass production the most typical choice is Asia in general and China in particular (Doing Business in China, 2012). It is quite clear than manufacturing overseas is cheaper than manufacturing in the United States for two basic reasons: cost of materials and labor costs. So the choice is China.

In order to get a product manufactured, the thing to be done is to find the company that is ready to manufacture a desirable product. There are two steps in finding a manufacturer: going to China and spending a lot of time “Googling” to find an overseas manufacturer. One of the most reliable sources for finding a manufacturer is HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" , which is a global trade website, targeted to put manufacturers, producers and customers together. The second step is to decide the source of materials. Buying materials in the United States, shipping them to china and then shipping the product back may be a burden for the cost of the final product, so the goal is to find manufacturer and materials allocated in one region.

While researching, it is important to compare pricing, service, terms, minimums, lead time and manufacturer’s reputation. The best choice is the manufacturer that is able to provide a complete package of service: source all necessary materials, produce the product, package and ship it, arrange for customs check and receipt of product in the United States and truck it to the warehouse.

After the options have been found, next step is to provide manufacturers with all necessary criteria. After reviewing and comparing samples, pricing and terms, the task is to choose the manufacturer that is right for the product and demonstrates interest in the business.

It should be taken into account, that products need to be certified and monitored by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission and customs clearance.

Product, Packaging, Design

Any product that comes to a market place, especially to United States, has to meet state and consumer’s quality requirements. The product’s retail sales rate will be defined by many elements that include …

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